Recent storms in our area have shown us how important proper tree pruning can be. Pruning is an excellent way not only to manage tree health but also ensure that trees don't cause unwanted damage to homes, family or property. Trees should ideally be pruned during winter as the trees are dormant and there is less of a chance for spreading disease. It is recommended that pruning occur every three years for optimal health.
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Pine Barrens Tree is expert in the art of proper tree pruning. Rory, our ISA Certified Arborist, has been trained in best practices for proper tree pruning. We follow ANSI A300 Pruning Standards, which are recognized and accepted by arborists across the nation. Here are some of the types of tree pruning that we offer:
ANSI A300 Tree Care Standard Definitions: The following definitions apply to specifications detailed in many proposals.
“clean: Selective pruning to remove one or more of the following parts; dead, diseased and/or broken branches. Unless noted otherwise in this proposal, all cleaning will be of branches 1 inch diameter or greater throughout the entire crown.
crown: The leaves and branches of a tree measured from the lowest branch on the trunk to the top of the tree.
leader: A dominant or co-dominant, upright stem.
raise: Selective pruning to provide vertical clearance.
reduce: Selective pruning to decrease height and/or spread by removing specified branches.
restore: Selective pruning to improve the structure, form, and appearance of trees that have been severely headed, vandalized, or damaged.
thin: Selective pruning to reduce density of live branches, usually by removing entire branches.
vista pruning: Selective pruning to allow a specific view, usually by creating view “windows”through the tree’s crown.”